I think u guys should add the fake people using vehicles like the cars boats and choppers. U guys should make it were u can have a house when u go on single player mode and make naughber hoods in the game. U guys should add a airport a international airport with big and small planes to actually use. U guys should put a gang thing were u can make your own gangs and name them. Put houses and apartments that can be your own in the pvp sandbox. U guys should take out the future weapons because it makes it like Im in Pixel gun 3D and I dont like that game at all. I want u guys to make it were u can make your own skins because I dont like it if theres other people with the same skin as u. U guys should at least make it were if u start the game you need to make a name for yourself first than having people that says player on the top. Make the map bigger as well instead of making islands like how u made the Elsas castle thing. Pizza read thanks!!!
JoshPY 37 about Block City Wars: Mafia Town, v4.4.1